═══ 1. General Help ═══ PMVKPROC v1.2 The PMVKPROC utility list all processes runnning in OS/2 2.X in an PM window. The parent-child dependencies and a detailed information for every process is shown. Additionally every shown process can be killed by the user. PMVKPROC is a full 32-bit application which uses the undocumented API DosQProcStatus to get a list of running processes - therefore its stability is in question because IBM could change or remove this API without telling anyone. But this API stayed the same for a long time.... The main window contains the following areas: o Two list boxes: - Processes list box - Process info box o Four buttons: - Refresh button - Kill button - Exit button - Help button The PMVKPROC utility is a fully functional shareware version. Support shareware by registering this copy of PMVKPROC. Please send $10 to the account: Frank Stanischewski Bank : Dresdner Bank Bank number : 760 800 40 S.W.I.F.T. : DRES DE FF 763 Account number : 5 419 165 00 / 400 or send $10 (check or cash) to: Frank Stanischewski Aeussere Tennenloher Strasse 6 D-91058 Erlangen Germany (C) 1994 Frank Stanischewski Versions : Version 1.1 Added new DLL : FISSOFT.DLL. Linked statically with other libraries. Version 1.2 Added module information of processes. Error SYS3175 debugged. Linked everything statically, need no DLL anymore. ═══ 1.1. Help Button ═══ Pressing this button opens the help window with the general help. ═══ 1.2. Refresh Button ═══ Pressing this button refreshes the processes list box. If one starts a new process or stops an old one outside the PMVKPROC window the processes list is invalid and should be actualised. Therefore the Refresh Button should be pressed. ═══ 1.3. Kill Button ═══ Pressing this button kills the selected process. To kill a process which is selected in the processes list box and its detailed information are shown in the process info box can be kill be pressing the button. A warning window appears after pressing the button. ═══ 1.4. Exit Button ═══ Pressing this button closes the PMVKPROC window. If pressed the program window is closed without inquiry ! Good Bye ! ═══ 1.5. Processes List Box ═══ This list box displays all processes which are currently running. The processes are listed with their full name. The parent-child relationship between the processes is shown by indenting the child process one character. For example \os2\pmshell.exe \os2\cmd.exe \os2\epm.exe The processes cmd.exe and epm.exe are childs of pmshell.exe. so cmd.exe and epm.exe are siblings. To select one process click on the desired process. Then the detail information is shown in the process information box. ═══ 1.6. Process Information Box ═══ This box shows the detail informations of a process which is select in the processes list box. The informations are: o Process name o Process ID o Process priority o Parent process name o Threads: - Number of threads of thr process - Thread ID (process related), Thread System ID (system related), Thread priority ═══ 2. Keys Help Panel ═══ The following is a list of system-provided keys: Alt-F4 Close window. Alt-F7 Move window. Alt-F9 Minimize window. Ctrl-ESC Window list. The following is a list of application-provided keys: Alt-X Exit. Alt-G General help. Alt-H sample (General Help). Alt-K Keys help. Alt-I Help index. Alt-P Product information. Alt-R Refresh process list. Alt-L Kill process.